The Tribe Monthly Gathering

Tribe Monthly Gatherings are an integral part of our membership offering and provide us with an opportunity each and every month to connect directly with you through the power of digital!

Kezra and I will gather at the end of every month and, we invite you as members to be an active part of the community and to come together as a Tribe and share experiences and insights. This is your chance to touch base with us each month, share your thoughts or provide feedback, discuss something that may be a challenge or of particular interest and get to know the other members of this wonderful community.

Conversation is transformative, for individuals and collectively and this is an easy way for us all to familiarise ourselves with one another as well as be able to share our own stories or seek friendly, collaborative suggestions or thoughts.

You will receive a special link each month as part of your Tribe newsletter which will enable you to access the meetings, which are held online in a safe and supported environment and part of creating change through shared experience. This is something we are very excited about being able to offer you each month and we really can’t wait to get to know you all better and spend some time with you in a trusted space.

Monthly meeting dates will appear on our Instagram and Facebook channels, in our newsletter and also below in your exclusive members area.

Just click the link in the email and join us, we would love to see you!

Ian and Kezra x


Join us 9th September @ 7pm

These monthly gatherings are a safe space where we ask you to come to connect with others, to welcome new members, to talk to us as founders and ask questions or perhaps have specific conversations about certain topics. Whatever it is, you are welcome.

We do ask though that you come to these spaces each month, with compassion.

There is no need to be upbeat, to only bring good news or share insights, you are welcome exactly as you are and for as long or as little as you wish to stay. However we are keen to create a place where everyone feels welcome so do not tolerate rudeness, offensive behaviour or anything may harm or hurt another member of the Tribe. Please also note that meeting rooms will close fifteen minutes after they are opened and will be held on either Zoom, Google meets or a private Facebook room.

We welcome feedback and it is so important to us that you feel part of a loving community, so if you’d like to share any thoughts about these gatherings please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Where to start with courses and workshops?


Your Monthly Meditation…