
I would at heart consider myself a multi passionate entrepreneur and have many loves in my life, but primarily, and if I have to pick just two then I’m a nutritionist and writer. My nutrition practice is founded on the core principles of both naturopathic and functional medicine.

​I became a nutritionist because I am deeply passionate about health, empowering people to feel their best and overcome any barriers or limitations to vibrant health.

​At the heart of this is the knowledge that optimum health is achieved by nourishing a delicate and vital balance of mind, body and spirit. I believe that cultivating a daily practice is the best way to honour our deepest, core needs and desires, and as a result create profound and sustainable transformation in our lives.

Something I learnt about in depth, when in 2017 I had my breakdown (later to be known as the spiritual awakening). My life simply blew up! My business went bankrupt, and I split from my partner and then fiancé of 10 years. I was literally brought to my knees financially, emotionally and spiritually. 

My life had reached rock bottom and this gave me the opportunity to ask some very brutal, honest and fundamental questions about my life; to reshape my core beliefs, and as a result my whole way of being and perception of the world. I look back now and recognise it as an awakening, a great gift, a breaking open to life in order to experience the true depth of what it is to be alive and human.

I realised that I had been in a delicate dance with pain; mostly running away from or avoiding and numbing the fact that I was deeply unhappy, unfulfilled and in a perpetual state of chasing “something”  that would make me happy or complete me, in order that I could finally feel whole, and like I belonged. 

​I had this underlying feeling of being homesick except that it was for a place that didn’t exist. I was searching for that which I believed would complete me and foster a deeper sense of meaning and fulfilment in my life.

​You name it, I tried it! Everything to fill that gaping hole inside of me; love, sex, money, shopping, status, booze, drugs, food, travel, productivity, distractions, endless to do lists, and working 70 hour weeks in the name of “il be happy when”. Any means to escape and numb the true pain of being imperfectly human.

​What I discovered is that such endeavours were only a plaster on a deep, festering wound that needed much more awareness and love to be healed.

​What felt like and was in reality losing my life as I knew it, including my sense of identity; one that I had created from everything around me such as my job title, or the figure of my income, began a process of choosing to rebuild my life piece by painful piece.

It was a deeply humbling experience, where essentially, I embarked on a journey which lead me to foster a true love and acceptance for myself. A recognition that true happiness starts from inside rather than outside in, external conditions and ever shifting goals.

I developed a greater awareness of my true power, innate worth and love-ability. Here I am three years on; continuing to thrive after years of simply surviving, and to find as my journey unfolds, a place of joy and success that is truly authentic, conscious and inspired.

​When I made the choice to continue living, I spoke a promise to myself; to show up wholeheartedly for myself and others and live a big, bold and beautiful life, because when death feels close by, that is often when we really understand how to start living. I want to help others do the same, but before they get to that place, to start now, just where you are.

​I want to share what I discovered on that journey. Hopefully to inspire others, and to leave the world a better place than I found it.

​So a mission was born from the ashes of the forest fire that ripped through my life, a mission to help others be their happiest, healthiest and most empowered selves.  We all have that burning desire and a deeper knowing within us; the one that whispers, 'there must be more to life than this'.... That we have missed something, or something is missing from us. 

Some of my greatest learning and growth has been through the art of conversation, with people or listening to podcasts or interviews. I believe that conversation is a powerful vehicle for change.  That’s why CWH was born.

These conversations have led to deep, impactful change in my life and shaped the way I think, which has led to a deepening of my relationship both to myself and others.

I think what it comes down to is putting the things we learn into practice and that’s what really counts, that’s what creates transformation and change – taking the power of those words and allowing them to shape us.

 I am excited about enriching people, by supporting them on their quest to find more purpose, meaning and joy in their lives.  That’s why a key part of my practice is helping clients to create a life that serves and deeply nourishes them in all areas. My aim is to inspire people to be their happiest, healthiest and most empowered selves, in all the work that I do.

​​​Within each of us lives a desire to nurture our souls which are innately hungry for growth and transformation. The heros journey, to seek the path that leads the way back to the heart of who we are, who we were, long before the world told or taught us how and what to be.

 When we can let go of the resistance, boundaries, judgement and fears that we have built up like walls around us, and truly honour the experiences that have shaped us, then we can heal and consciously return to the home of ourselves. Welcome home.

I want to know what makes you come alive, what moves you deeply, what inspires you, where do you feel most you? Uninhibited and free? Where can you dance like no one is watching? And more importantly, where can you dance where you feel truly seen?

​I really look forward to engaging with you, hearing your stories and having some deeply profound and life changing conversations.

Kezra x


Metta Practice; the what and the how?