Build self confidence and love yourself with these affirmations…

Developing a self care plan looks different for everyone but affirmations offer a simple to implement way to begin to nourish your soul, treat yourself with kindness and begin to show your mind and body love so that you can life your best live.

Affirmations are clear, positive statements that you repeat to yourself and will often be words of encouragement, motivation or something uniquely specific to you that you may want to concentrate on.

They work best when repeated daily and can be built in to a morning routing in under ten minutes, taking the time for yourself when you first wake or before your day runs away with you. They are powerful and can offer a way to lower stress, increase confidence and keep you focussed, approaching obstacles with a calmer mind knowing that what you are putting in to the universe is being hear, you are manifesting positivity and eliminating negativity. They help you transform ‘I can’t’ to the ‘Yes I can.’

We have some beautiful affirmations that you can download and use as part of a daily practice, when yoditate or whenever you feel you may need an eotional or phyiscal boost.

The affirmations are digital and perfectly sized for your phone, so you can download and access anytime of day that suits you, however we do suggest that you try and repeat them in the morning. See below to download and for some quick tips on how to get started.


A suggested affirmation routine…

  1. Think in advance about where in your morning routine you can find or make five minutes. To find a space by yourself with no distractions and once you have had the chance to wake up and stretch.

  2. If life quickly gets in the way in the mornings, then stay in bed or find a place of Peace just for you.

  3. What would you like today, what do you need or how do you feel? Pick an affirmation that serves you.

  4. Sit or stand with your head forward and place your hand over your heart. Take three deep breaths, through the nose and out of the mouth.

  5. There is no need to close your eyes, you can look at these downloads throughout to remind yourself what they say. You will soon find that you are able to recall them without the need to do so.

  6. Read and repeat the affirmation five times, with a mindful pause in between. Speak with clarity, with a clear voice and with intention.

  7. Once you have repeated five times feel free to say again, or, smile and take a final deep and loving breath. Remove your hand from your heart and know that you are amazing!

  8. Done - go about your day with improved self assurance, compassion and a clear mind.

Use these affirmations as a quick boost throughout the day - save them to your mobile background and take thirty seconds to re connect with your ambitions, your heart and the kindness that you can bring to yourself.


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